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Seeking a Non-Executive Director?

Tim Davies standing in a library in a dark business suit and tie.

Leading your business while having to work things out on your own can often feel solitary and isolating, and your business may suffer as a result.

You may have a capable team around you, but developing your vision, strategy, and innovative ideas often requires more than just your internal managers. Indeed, they may not be the right sounding board, as their role doesn’t typically include challenging your ideas or ensuring your actions are followed through.

Who do you turn to when you need to share your ideas and who provides the necessary challenges, and highlights areas of potential improvement within your business? This is where I come in; I can be the ideal partner for both you and your business, playing a crucial role in keeping your business sharp.

Unlike your staff, I can provide an independent perspective, challenging your ideas constructively, and supporting you in refining your vision and strategy. This external insight can be invaluable in driving your business forward. I can also act as an ambassador for your company, representing it to my wider business network at every appropriate opportunity.

While leadership can be a lonely road, you don’t have to navigate it alone. With the right support, over the right amount of time, you can overcome the isolation and ensure your business thrives.

Cartoon showing the role of a Non-Executive DirectorThe role of a NED

The role of a non executive director is to make a creative contribution to the business by providing independent insight and constructive challenge to both members of the board and the executive team.

It’s widely accepted that NEDs have an important contribution to make to the proper running of companies.

There are a growing number of private companies, including relatively small ones, that are now actively searching for the ‘right’ NED to attend board meetings.

It’s crucial that NEDs are independent from the company’s day to day operations.

They bring objectivity to the board’s deliberations, particularly in areas such as business performance, risk and potential liabilities management, the interpretation of financial information, and the effectiveness of the management team.

NEDs are usually selected because they have a breadth of experience, are of an appropriate calibre, and have particular personal qualities. They may also have specialist knowledge that will provide the board of directors and executive team with valuable insights or perhaps, key contacts in related industries.

Let me be the partner who helps you and your business reach new heights. If you would like to explore my Non-Executive Director services and how I might add value to your company as an NED, click get in touch to arrange a chat.